Today, 17 Dec 2015, I have created this blog. It is powered by Jekyll with Hpstr theme and hosted on Github Pages. This is a simple how-to procedure:
You need to have Ruby, Ruby Development Kit and Python already installed on your computer.
Create a local Jekyll installation
- Install Jekyll and a few useful gems
Note that pygments.rb requires python’s pygment package, so you might need install it in the first place:
- Clone Hpstr repo
Rename a directory hpstr-jekyll-theme to whatever you like
Build the site
- If you are using Windows you might encounter an SSL certificate verify error during the build process. In order to fix it download cacert.pem and put it a good place, e.g. in %RUBY_DIR%\cert directory (most likely you don’t have it, so create it) and then set a required env variable
Use control panel to make this setting permanent.
- Now run build again and afterwards run serve to check it on your local machine
This will run a web server and you may visit http://localhost:4000 to check if everything is OK.
Create a Github Pages site
In your Github account create a repo for your Github Pages site. It must have a name
Connect your local repo to your Github repo
Instead of YOU use your account name.
- Commit and push your site to Github
- Check your site at